
2 Deleted Scenes from Soulless by Gail Carriger

Please be aware that deleted scenes may and often do contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.

DELETED BITS from Soulless

The Hypocras Club Objectives

* Attentiveness — Identify and understand the supernatural threat, assess vulnerabilities, determine potential impacts and disseminate information to our members and security partners.
* Preclusion — Detect, deter and mitigate the supernatural threat to the commonwealth.
* Precaution — Safeguard normal humans and their freedoms, and maintain critical infrastructure and intellectual advancement of the scientific community.

1870s  antique-royals tumblr

Alexia’s Father’s Journal

Ivy had always been faintly cheered by the fact that should a marriage bed ever be in her future, she could go to Alexia for an explanation of what might occur there. Sadly for Miss Hisselpenny, such an explanation was likely to contain concepts that would shock the most experienced whore down dockside, let alone a gently bred lady. Mr. Tarabotti had had very exotic interests indeed, and Alexia hadn’t the experience to provide any kind of filter.

{Gail’s monthly read along for February 2018 is Terrier: The Legend of Beka Cooper Book 1 by Tamora Pierce.}


Your Tisane of Smart . . .

19th Century Fortune Telling: From the Drawing Room to the Court Room

Your Writerly Tinctures . . .  
Periodic Table of Storytelling

Book News:
Merin of Read and Reviewed said of Soulless:

“All in all, I found Soulless to be completely delightful in every way. It had an interesting story, a unique paranormal world, and two very head strong and stubborn characters.”

Quote of the Day:

Have you seen Miss Pringle?’
‘Yes, sir, from a distance.’
‘The best way to see her.’

~ Carry On, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse

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Posted by Gail Carriger

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