
Blameless Catalog Spread

I got distracted yesterday, Gentle Reader. It’s not often I have itnernet time to play on the weekends. I had an unexpected free Sunday so I filled it with all things near and dear to my heart: BBC Costume dramas (I rewatched the Buccaneers), tea, and roaming about the fashion blogs. In consequence I present you with some vintage fashion images that appealed to me, just because.

In other news, my agent kindly sent me along a digital version of the Blameless spread in the Orbit catalog. Here it is!

For those interested in the ins and outs of the publishing world, this is the catalog that the Hachette sales team will use to sell book orders to chain and independent bookstores.


Gail’s Daily Dose
Your Infusion of Cute:
Your Tisane of Smart:
Ladies, measuring for a proper fitting bra.
Your Writerly Tinctures:
Why Writer Beware Doesn’t Provide Publisher Recommendations (Plus Some Advice)

An effusive review from a lady who did no want or expect to enjoy Soulless.

“Still, nothing would have convinced me I would like the book, but I had to do something in the hell that is a Qantas flight home to Australia—and its cover does entice. Once I opened the book, I resented having to close it for any reason, till the end, when I really truly sighed with pleasure.”

SPOILER ALERT! Changeless blurb gives away ending of Soulless. Inside of a Dog says,

“I enjoyed this romp. I loved the humor and the many descriptions. Alexia’s friend Ivy provided much of the comic relief with her absurd hats and absurd romance . . .”

Quote of the Day:
“The free-lance writer is a man who is paid per piece or per word or perhaps.”
~ Robert Benchley

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