
Ambush or Adore Fun Victorian Research & More

Ambush or Adore was a lot of work to write and research, Gentle Reader.

But most of that research was back through my own books ~ all 4 of the Finishing School series, bits of the Parasol Protectorate, and the last book in the Custard Protocol in particular. Partly this is because this tells a narrative covering over 40 years of time.

But also because I really address concepts of long term love, long distance affection, childhood infatuation, as well as questioning the notion that romance is the provenance of the pretty and the young.

One of the consequences of this is that first bit of this novella is Pillover and/or Agatha’s perspective on events that occurred during or congruent to the Finishing School books, which originally were told entirely form Sophronia’s POV. I had to go back and imagine where Agatha was standing in those scenes, what she was thinking, how her perspective would be entirely different from Sophronia’s.

All Finishing School Books Etiquette Curtsies Waitscoats Manners Teacups Nook Bedding

Sometimes I had a run in with something I merely mentioned in passing in those books and then had to delve into more because Pillover knew more or had information earlier. Because Pillover was off in his school having a whole different childhood experience.

And sometimes I mentioned some tiny bit of food or steampunk device in passing, but that I had to research more this time around.

DD Delightfully Deadly Poison Protect Defy Defend Ambush Adore all three 3

Extras for Ambush or Adore

Research behind Ambush or Adore

Yours (destined to be mired in non-ficiton),

Miss Gail 

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Ambush or Adore: Delightfully Deadly #3 – AGATHA’S BOOK

AoA Gail Out Now available DD


Direct from me?

London’s best and most covert spy tries to escape the man who has always adored her. Out October 1, 2021

Meanwhile, guess what? Little Brown has put Etiquette & Espionage on sale (USA eBook) for only $1.99! This is the book where everything started and would eventually result in Ambush or Adore almost a decade later. Nice symmetry from the publishing industry.

This is a prime opportunity to snap up the digital edition, or pimp it out to get others hooked. Since this book is both YA and traditionally published it almost NEVER goes on sale. (October 2021)

Etiquette & Espionage Gail Carriger Finishing School book one free sale

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  • I have a fun techno-fantasy in production, about a world where magic only works when you’re dating someone, and the boy who falls in love with the wrong person.
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Posted by Gail Carriger

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