I invited the good vampire back to the blog today, Gentle Reader. He was in a bit of an abrupt and snarky mood. A snit, if you will. I think he’s mad he doesn’t make an appearance in my latest book. He doesn’t like it when I don’t give him enough attention. Chirrup Members Ask Lord […]
Dear Lord Akeldama: On Rude Brothers & Getting His Own Novella (nope)
How to Defend Yourself Against a Vampire, Gail Carriger Style
Just for fun, here’s this, Gentle Reader! Did you want more fun extra bits? Stuff like this goes to my Chirrup members, because I love them bestest. Sign up here. Not into newsletters? Get only new releases by following Gail on Amazon or BookBub! Coop de Book for May is How to Marry a Werewolf (naturally, or should […]
Dear Lord Akeldama: Choosing a Lover & Raising Teen Girls
Please welcome the gentleman vampire back to my blog this week, Gentle Reader. As always Lord Akeldama may not give you the answer you wish, he always gives the question the answer it deserves. (If you asked him a question and do not see the answer, it is always possible he has answered it before.) […]
Dear Lord Akeldama: Gifts, Endearments & Peas
Please welcome the gentleman vampire back to my blog this week, Gentle Reader! As always Lord Akeldama may not give you the answer you wish, he always gives the question the answer it deserves. Rudderbuddy asks: Where did you get you love for food and floral related nicknames? You can think of a better source of […]
The Lord Akeldama Style Meme
A little while ago, Gentle Reader, I collected a bunch of questions for Lord Akeldama, for his occasional Dear Lord Akeldama column here on my blog. Most of these, I found, were about fashion and style. Some were more suited to a kind of meme than the Good Vampire’s usual verboseness. So here, for your sharing and […]
Dear Lord Akeldama: On Fashion, Feminism & Faux
Please welcome the gentleman vampire back to my blog this week, Gentle Reader. As always Lord Akeldama is happy to entertain your questions, although he may not give you the answer you wish, he always gives your question the answer it deserves. And now… Dear Lord Akeldama Lisa asks: Since you are a master of subtle […]
Dear Lord Akeldama: On Fashion, Drones & Meat Chops
Before we start, Gentle Reader, and thinking of fashion, this is a reminder that I have an Instagram feed. So if you are there, so am I! And now, please welcome the gentleman vampire back to my blog this week. As always Lord Akeldama is happy to entertain your questions. And while he may not […]
Dear Lord Akeldama: On Actors, Fashion & Blood
It has been a very long time, Gentle Reader, but in honor of a new year… He’s Baaaaaaack! Nissa asks: Who, if anyone, would you consider for a drone among the vastly talented and ridiculously handsome young British actors of today? Benedict Cumberbatch. The name screams upper class, not to mention it’s like something my […]
A Very Alexia Holiday Season: Celebrating Victorian Style
Lady Maccon, as some of you may well know, is rather fond of comestibles. Thusly, the holiday season is one of great joy to her ~ from a food standpoint if nothing else. (The shopping, it must be admitted, she could do without. Lord Akeldama, however, is overly enthusiastic on the subject.) However, she has some […]
Why this author writes queer characters
AKA Blame Mercedes Lackey, Behind The Supernatural Society Back when I was first transitioning into reading adult books, Gentle Reader, it was pretty natural to cross from children’s fantasy (there was no YA as a category back then) into adult fantasy via Mercedes Lackey. (I still hold that Arrows is, in fact, YA. It simply […]
Gail’s Future: Your Questions Answered: Coloring Books & Lord Akeldama
So I was having a bit of a brain fart recently, Gentle Reader, and couldn’t think of anything exciting to blog about that you’d want to know, so I did a spontaneous AMA. Thanks to everyone who (equally spontaneously) participated. Ever thought about a parasol protectorate adult coloring book? It’s a bit complicated rights-wise, but […]
The Mad Hatter Interviews Alexia, Conall & Lord Akeldama
Thank you to everyone who purchased the limited and special hard cover editions of Soulless. I’ve been told that it has shipped at last! I do hope you like it! As a thank you: Here’s an interview with three of your favorite characters in Soulless from back when the book was first released in 2009. […]