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My Sister’s Song
Historical Fantasy Short in Short Story
The warrior Mithra must repel a Roman legion alone and armed only with one very tasty weapon.
New York Times bestselling author Gail Carriger presents a historical fantasy short story about a woman warrior set in ancient Roman times.
The Romans are marching! To protect her lands and her tribe, Mithra comes up with a sticky solution to an impossible problem.
This charming short story is full of archaeological research, historical tips, and how one woman can face up against insurmountable odds, ideal for fans of Jane Yolen or Mercedes Lackey. If you want more strong women fighting hard for their family in a historical setting try Gail’s Custard Protocol series.
This is a quick read at 4000 words (about 9 printed pages) available in print form in Sword & Sorceress XVII (1998).
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