
The following is a list of resources Gail is often asked about. Hopefully you will find what you are looking for!

Gail's Creative Process

Behind the Magic blog posts for Gail’s musings on her creative process and the publishing industry. Includes chapter titles & samples, thoughts on being an author and…

  • All Gail’s posts on her creative process and how that impacts the reader experience AKA Behind the Magic
  • Gail’s At Work Pinterest boards


Victorian Stuff


Special Extras For Fans

Special Extras blog posts contain Gail’s easter eggs for uber fans. Includes deleted scenes, fantasy casting, secrets of world building, games, quizzes, academic articles, guest blogs and character studies.



For Readers

Want a monthly book suggestion directly from Gail? Join the Chirrup

What’s Gail’s taste like?


Advanced Author Tips



Travel Tips

Gail travels so much she started a podcast, 20 Minute Delay, about it. All her travel related musings are here, but here’s a sample of her best travel tips for authors:


Fashionable Musings

Gail on fashion: vintage, retro & steampunk.
