Hello Gentle Reader, I’ve been thinking about high tea a lot lately. Which made me think of scones… What do I put on mine? Salted butter, lemon or passion fruit curd, and clotted cream. In that order. I know, right? But you can’t take Devon out of a girl who spent her childhood there. It’s […]
Etiquette & Espionage turns 10! Scones, Audiobooks, & Favorite Cafes, Oh My!
Gail’s First Essay on World Building the Parasol Protectorate Books
Way back in May of 2011, Gentle Reader, I did an interview about the first three book in my then very new Parasol Protectorate series; Soulless, Changeless & Blameless These first three books have now been out in the world for over a decade. So I present unto you, Gentle Reader, the beginning… An Introduction: […]
How Does the Peerage Work in the Parasolverse?
There’s this scene in the mini-series called The Buccaneers (based on the Edith Wharton novel), where Jacky is teaching the girls how the British Peerage works. It’s riveting, if only a minor bit of characterization, but it’s imprinted on my mind. So when it came time to rewrite Victorian London to incorporate immortals, it’s possible […]
If Etiquette & Espionage Were Illustrated by Silvana Bevilacqua: Amazing Fan Art!
Dearest Gentle Reader, I am truly blessed to have some amazing fan art out there. But it’s rare for a professional artist to get inspired by my work. You can check it out in this collection on Pinterest or on the Wikia. When professional artist Silvana contacted me about her drawings of Etiquette […]
The Teachers at Mademoiselle Geraldine’s Finishing School
Here’s some fun behind the scene stuff from developing the teachers at Mademoiselle Geraldine’s Finishing School… First of all here is the lay out of the school: You can download the full size schematic for free from this page on my website. THE TEACHERS! I hope you enjoyed this extra matter on the subject of […]
Etiquette & Espionage Special Extras
Etiquette & Espionage released in February of 2013 Here are some fun blog posts and resources that tie to this book, Gentle Reader. Research I conducted plus chattering and amusement on the subject of this series and moving into the world of YA. This story features Sophronia who is recruited to a finishing school for spies […]
How did you discover the Parasolverse? Gail Carriger Wants to Know
I’m interested in how you discovered the Parasolverse, Gentle Reader. I asked the FB Fan Group and Facebook, because they suck, shut the thread down. (It was getting too much conversation and we can’t allow THAT!) However, I did gather the most likely places to have first found a Parasolverse book, and so here’s a […]
Finishing School Special Extras Lessons: How to Defend Yourself Against Vampires, Werewolves, Flywaymen & More!
Here are some lessons from Finishing School in gif form! Lesson #1 Lesson #3 Interesting he’s how Silvana drew ’em… Lesson #5 Lesson #8 Lesson # 12 Where are the rest of the Lessons? Well you have to read the books to find out. How to Defend Yourself Against a Vampire How to Defend Yourself […]
Resources For Writing About Victorian Food & Tea From Gail Carriger
Let’s talk about one of my favorite things, Gentle Reader, Victorian FOOD! Here’s all things… Victorian Food Planning a Traditional Victorian Dinner Party & A Victorian Meal in Modern Times Stocking Your Victorian Kitchen, 1888 How the Victorians Describe Italian Food Weird Victorian Recipe Moment – Sweet Macaroni Pudding In Which Tamora Pierce Has Victorian Breakfast […]
The Teachers of Gail Carriger’s Finishing School, Do They Look How You Imagined?
It’s national teacher day, Gentle Reader. Did you have a favorite teacher in fiction or real life? I have been blessed with many fine and inspirational teachers. I’ve also gotten to write about teachers too in the Finishing School series. I dug up these awesome old images featuring the teachers, and I thought I would […]
Finishing School Fan & Sprinkle Maneuver!
I just wanted to remind you that this fun series of gifs exists, Gentle Reader. From the Finishing School Series, the fan & sprinkle Anti werewolf maneuver! Cover2Cover Blog says of Etiquette & Espionage: “The plot was mysterious but also full of action and adventure and at every turn of the page I was captivated […]
Hardcovers of the Finishing School Books Going Out of Print
Quick announcement for you today, Gentle Reader. Finishing School hardcover editions likely soon to be out of print. Waistcoats & Weaponry has already got the axe. Just the hardcovers, don’t panic. My Chirrup subscribers have heard this already (and if you missed the window then why aren’t you getting the Chirrup? Hummm?) but it seems […]